For two weeks now, I've been involved in a new Beth Moore Bible study. As you can tell by the title, it is on the book of Esther. I've joined my friend Ruth at her church, Altizer Baptist for this. I am totally enjoying and learning. One of the best parts for me is that I am learning from quite a few new women! So far, I have a whole new idea of reasons not to be a queen: way too many pressures there for me. And the idea of being in a harem to be picked from, no way!
I look forward to other new insights. What am I the most surprised about? Mike!! That's right, Mike has joined us in this study. Ruth's husband is the pastor and he wanted male support and invited Mike so he goes with me. I am very proud that Mike is open minded about this and willing to learn from a female who has very female views. I guess since Mike has lived with all females for 24 1/2 years now, he's had no choice. This is another way for the two of us to grow closer to God together.
Oh The Joys
1 day ago